International Exhibition for Landscaping, Equipment, Gardening Products, Nursery, Outdoor Living and Leisure Industry
Dates To Be Announce Soon...

Terms & Conditions
- All requests have to be made in writing and form should be submitted with the Company seal and signature.
- The stall booking is subject to receive 100% payment in advance. If exhibitor is paying 50% payment as booking amount or advance, the organizer will hold the space till 1st September 2024. The stall booking can not be confirmed until the exhibitor should pay 100% payment on or before 2 months from the event date.
- If balance payment is not made by 1st September 2024, organizer reserve right to cancel booking, with no refund of advance payment.
- Every effort will be made to meet your requests. This will however not be recognized as a condition for participation.
- Only the agreed exhibits may be displayed. Exhibits may be removed subject to permission from the organisers. The Organisers will not be responsible for any damages, in case of the application being signed by a third party (e.g. representative). The exhibitors are requested to insure all their exhibits, before getting them to the Venue.
The space (Shell Scheme) will be allotted on 24th October 2024 after 12:00 noon. The space (Bare Scheme) will be allotted on 24th October 2024 after 11.00 a.m. The stalls should be vacated by 9 p.m. on 27th October 2024.
Exhibitors must occupy the space allotted not later than 8.00 a.m. on 25th October 2024 or else the organisers reserve the right to re-allot the stall to other company.
- The Organisers reserve the right, to reallocate or resize spaces under special circumstances. The organisers also reserve the right to cancel booking approved on basis of misleading or false information, or if the requirements of participation (rental charges are not received in full at the mentioned dates prior to the event) are no longer met by the applicant.
- The exhibitors should accept that changes might take place in the other stands at the beginning of event. No claims for damages by either party would be entertained.
- Under 9 sqm. shell scheme stall, fascia board with company name, one table, two chairs, three spot lights, registration fee, electric point, carpet and company entry in the official show catalogue.
- Under bare scheme/ Open to Sky Bare Space only electric connection will be provided. Other structure and furniture has to be arranged by participants themselves or through official vendor.
- The exhibitors are responsible for the setting up of their structure, it’s maintenance during the event and the dismantling after the event.
- The height of stand and decoration materials should not exceed 3.00 mtrs. and all the designs should be approved by the organizer on or before one month of the exhibition.
- All the vendors have to be approved by the organizer as per the security guidelines of Indian exhibition Industry Association.
- Music systems and special lights used inside a stand should not cause inconvenience or annoyance to other exhibitors or visitors. Any complaint received will result in termination of such display.
- Exhibits must be positioned / displayed / demonstrated such that they will not intrude into the pathway / public space or cause hazard to visitors / other Exhibitors.
- Any exhibit or process, which generates noxious or toxic fumes, or smoke of any kind, is strictly prohibited. Also no fuel or inflammable material is allowed in the exhibition premises.
- All stand designs are expected to be ready on the first day of the exhibition, four hours before the inaugural time. Also dismantling of the displays will not be allowed before the closing time on the last day of the exhibition. Exhibitors are only permitted to distribute brochures or other advertising material from within their own stand. The display, distribution or presentation in any form outside the demarcated area is prohibited.
Exhibitors Badges
Entry to the fair grounds is not permitted without the exhibitor’s badges.
The prefabricated stall holders should get their electrical works done from the electrical contractor appointed by the organisers only. If the exhibitors are getting own generator sets & electricians, should they seek the prior permission of the organisers. Requisitions for Extra Power Connection and Power Required (KW) should be made on or before 20th September 2024. Details about your electrical load consumption have to be informed well in advance and exhibitor should pay the extra electricity charges as applicable.